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Author, Writing Coach Cori Wamsley to Present Tips to Business Owners on Writing their Books

Cori Wamsley began her business three years ago to help business owners write books for their businesses because she saw a need for someone to assist thought leaders in making a bigger impact.

Today, if you want to make a mark, explode your business, and be noted as an expert in your field, a book is a must. The challenge, though, is not just having the time to write one, it’s also knowing how to construct one with all the right pieces to not just help the reader, but also show them that you are a serious expert—the one they need—and send them back to your programs or website for even more.

“Writers learn their craft over years of writing and tweaking their stories,” Wamsley said.

Author, Writing Coach Cori Wamsley to Present Tips to Business Owners on Writing their Books
Cori Wamsley

“Business owners don’t have that luxury. In our fast-paced world, you have to have someone on your side who can help you handle the outline, the focus, and the development of the piece. That book is more than just ‘a business card.’ It’s an evergreen marketing goldmine.”

Wamsley developed her writing skills the traditional way: over time. She obtained her bachelor’s and master’s in English. She honed her writing as a professional writer and editor for the Department of Energy and the Department of Justice for 10 years, often telling the stories of the scientists working in the lab via the DOE website. And she published five novels and one children’s book.

Today, Wamsley has edited multiple best-selling books and coached many business owners through the writing and development process. She is also a contributor and the executive editor of Inspiring Lives Magazine, where she helps tell the amazing stories of trailblazers, survivors, and brilliant game-changers to inspire readers nationwide (

At the Pittsburgh Business Show, Wamsley will be sharing with business owners the biggest secret in the book-writing process at her talk on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. You have the skills to communicate your big message, and the notes, articles, bullet points, and blog posts on your hard drive are pieces of the puzzle. When you pull from what’s already written, you are already halfway to completing your book! Join her for Hard Drive Deep Dive: Creating your Business Book Fast.

Wamsley will also hold a mini-workshop for business owners to learn how to develop their books. Get started on your journey with 7 Easy Steps to Writing a Book for Your Business. This workshop will be held both Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

Stop by Wamsley’s booth to learn more about her coaching and editing services or for a book signing of her novels or children’s book.

Write that book. Build your business! (