Learn how Diversity and Inclusion are not only strengthening the Pittsburgh Community, but also illuminating ways for corporations to invest in their company’s future while achieving greater day-to-day success.
Join us for a five-part program which will allow employers and employees of all size businesses to hear from experts in Pittsburgh that are using Diversity and Inclusion to invest in their company’s future and be more successful every day.
Attendees who participate in three sessions* of this course work will receive a certificate of completion of three hours of Diversity and Inclusion awareness training. These courses fulfill corporate social responsibility, educate employees, and help businesses of all sizes move forward as a company to be more effective, culturally aware and innovative.
Study after study repeatedly continue to show that diversity and inclusion brings creativity, innovation and increases in revenue for companies nationwide but where does it all begin? Go back to the basics to explore what Diversity and Inclusion means in society, the work place and what it can do for your business.
While awareness of best practices in Diversity and Inclusion are a step in the right direction, it is not enough. Join us to discuss the difference between Equality and Equity and learn how you can apply these topics to your life to improve your business, professional life or individual relationships.
Chet Thompson Associate Dean, School of Business, Arts, Sciences, and Technology (BAST)Community College of Beaver County
Cultural Competency seeks to educate and train all levels of staff on the skills and competencies that enable employees, students and educators, community members, and others to interact effectively/positively in cross-cultural situations. Today more than ever we must embrace our differences. This is truly the only we will evolve as a species. If it is not for ourselves but more importantly for our children’s children.
Nominations for the First Annual Diversity and Inclusion Awards will be accepted starting on January 1st, 2020 with voting by the public to follow. Winners from each category will be awarded on May 5, 2020 at the Pittsburgh Business Show. This awards program was created by DoYouKnowAGood.com, a 16-year-old Pittsburgh company which helps businesses establish and promote their reputation.
This award was designed for people to recognize their favorite Pittsburgh-area business that goes above and beyond focusing on Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace by nominating them today. Voting will begin on March 1st, 2020 and ends on April 15, 2020.
The number of votes received will determine the winner in each category, and winners will be announced at the Business Choice Awards event on May 5, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
The winners of each category will receive a Business Choice Awards plaque and will be recognized at the Show on the main stage, in the show program, and online throughout the year on the Business Choice Awards website and on social media.
Promote the power of knowledge, learning, and inclusion by sponsoring the 2020 Diversity and Inclusion workshop at the Pittsburgh Business Show.
This main-event showcase will be one of the highlights of the show as it not only helps businesses and organizations to grow in inclusive ways, but also teaches them how to thrive in a rapidly-changing environment.
Associate your company and brand with knowledge, diversity, inclusion, and growth as you sponsor a Continuing Education Credit workshop.
“The only show you will need to attend this year”