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Benefits of Exhibiting at the Pittsburgh Business Show

B2B Tradeshow at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center
B2B Tradeshow at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center

What are the Benefits of Exhibiting the Pittsburgh Business Show? think

Have you ever thought about exhibiting in a Business to Business Trade Show? Have you ever asked yourself, “How would my business in the Pittsburgh area benefit from being in a 2 day B2B show at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center?” If you haven’t you should think about these things.

Advertising and marketing in the Pittsburgh area is not easy. There are rivers and bridges and getting your company out there with the right connections and resources is not easy. It takes time. Take a look at how the Pittsburgh Business Show can help build your business:
1) Showcase a New product or Service
Trade shows are a great place to feature your cutting-edge service or product. Creating a space that captures an audience of like minded businesses looking for connections and resources to help each other grow. Remember to show attendees exactly how your product or service will help them.
2) Expand your customer base
Every person that visits your booth is another lead in your customer list. Trade shows can produce hundreds of leads looking for your services. Use those contacts for sales during and after the show.
3) Keep an eye on your competition
Know your competitors. Trade shows allow you to be in the same room with your competitors and see how they are marketing their products.

4) Take advantage of excellent advertising opportunities
As an exhibitor, advertise your brand. For instance, many trade shows have sponsorship opportunities and prize giveaways that advertise products and services that are donated by exhibitors.

5) Meet face to face with customers who are not in your area
Local trade shows attract customers from across the region. Use the trade show to grow your territory without spending the travel time and expenses incurred. Meet on neutral ground and set the appointment for follow up.
6) Exposure in the Program Guide
Almost every trade show has an exhibitor guide that is provided to everyone who registers. Most program guides will list the business name and company contacts with a descriptions of exhibitors. These books will also tell you who exhibits in the show and the reasons why to exhibit at their trade show. As an exhibitor, you often have the opportunity to purchase additional advertising space in the exhibitor guide.
7) Confirm that you are a key player in your industry
Use the Trade Show to build your brand as an Industry expert in your region. Just by having a presence at the trade show, you are building your company’s reputation as a legitimate resource in your industry.
8) Recruit new employees
Trade shows are a great way of meeting new people that may be a great addition to your team. The shows are typically full of accomplished industry professionals. You never know who is looking for the next big career. Your next great Sales leads could be the attendee that stops by your booth and falls in love with your company.

There are so many benefits of exhibiting at the Pittsburgh Business Show at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Take a look at your company and contact us to learn more about how participating in a 2 day B2B Trade Show where you can connect with businesses, people and resources in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.