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Business and Sales Coaching Expert to Speak at 2017 Pittsburgh Business Show

Business Conference Pittsburgh

 Rob Costanza, of The Growth Coach 3 Rivers, Announced as a Featured Speaker

Pittsburgh, PA – Rob Costanza, a Pittsburgh-based entrepreneur who is the owner of business and sales coaching company The Growth Coach 3 Rivers, has signed on as a speaker at the Pittsburgh Business Show. The Show is a business-to-business expo debuting at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center on Wednesday, April 19 and Thursday, April 20, 2017 that will feature vendors, speakers, and networking events.

The Pittsburgh Business Show is welcoming speakers from all industries who want to share trending topics and the experiences that have shaped their businesses’ success. As the owner of The Growth Coach 3 Rivers, Mr. Costanza uses his years of experience as a business development manager to create custom programs that are designed for the needs of companies. He offers one-to-one coaching, a strategic manager program, and a sales mapping and mastery program.


“Business owners give everything to help their company succeed, but it can come robcostanzaat a punishing cost—stress, finances, and loss of focus are common in every industry. The good news is that there is help for them. The Growth Coach 3 Rivers helps business owners look at the “big picture,” and then gain clarity for their businesses’ goals and direction. We help our clients create focused action plans to achieve their objectives, and in return they become more balanced and are able to seek greater success in their lives,” said Costanza.


“As the owner of The Growth Coach 3 Rivers, Rob Costanza will be able to present the best way to energize business owners to set and meet goals. His presentation is just one example of how the Pittsburgh Business Show will offer a series of high-caliber speakers who will help business owners analyze industry trends, learn about new products and services, and discuss the growth opportunities that exist for every market. The Show is providing direct access to the resources that businesses require to develop a marketing strategy and increase their revenue,” said Linda Jo Thornberg, President of the Pittsburgh Business Show.
Any individual or company who would like to participate as a speaker or sponsor should contact Linda Jo Thornberg at 800-549-4048 or at for further information.
Visit the Pittsburgh Business Show website at to receive attendee tickets and to register for events, speakers, and seminars at the show on April 19 and 20, 2017.