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Companies Are Discovering That Pittsburgh Is Good for Business

Many companies have recognized that the road to their success runs through Pittsburgh. Popular brands like American Eagle Outfitters and Dick’s Sporting Goods are headquartered in the city, and powerhouse companies like Amazon, Google, Uber, Shell, Facebook, and Apple have made recent investments or are expanding operations in the region.

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For businesses that are considering new strategies to expand their customer base and reach, Pittsburgh offers a high-tech environment, an experienced and eager workforce, and inviting surroundings for both start-ups and established companies. Using Pittsburgh to increase your revenue and influence is the key to growing your business in 2017.

For those who would like to enter or expand into the Pittsburgh area, the Pittsburgh Business Show is a great way to gain a foothold within the city’s markets.

The Pittsburgh Business Show, a two-day B2B trade show, will be held on April 19 and 20, 2017, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh. The show is the brainchild of Bryan Thornberg and Linda Jo Thornberg and was developed to offer business owners, corporate-level executives and entrepreneurs with the tools that they need to achieve their goals and drive revenue.

The Pittsburgh Business Show is free to attend and will feature valuable networking events, inspirational speakers and exhibitors from dozens of industries. It serves as an entry point for those companies who would like to establish or expand operations within Pittsburgh. It also features an elaborate marketing and technology platform that includes real-time lead generation and will drive attendance through business, media, and attendee promotion.

The Show has attracted a slate of well-known partners and media sponsors including the Pittsburgh Business Times, 102.5 WDVE, KDKA-TV, and The CW. The speakers list boasts names like Darieth Chisolm, a business coach, Emmy-winning TV personality and multimedia strategist, and Dan Harmon, Vice President of digital marketing firm Higher Images.

The feedback from the Pittsburgh and surrounding region has been overwhelmingly positive, with media partners saying that this one-of-a-kind show will be a great stepping stone for people who want to engage the Pittsburgh market.
The Pittsburgh Business Show is opening the door for a variety of companies to come to Pittsburgh, connect with interested partners, and work together to improve their bottom line. The unique opportunities here can be introduced to business owners and executives through the Pittsburgh Business Show’s agenda and networking opportunities.

If you’d like to learn more about the Pittsburgh Business Show, including sponsorship and exhibitor information, call 412-668-4990 or visit