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Important Networking Skills You Should Try at your next Networking Event

Important Networking Skills You Should Try at your next Networking Event

Networking, whether you are just getting started or have been networking for years, there are a few ways you can up your networking game and improve how you make connections at networking events.

At the Pittsburgh Business Show on May 5th, you will have the opportunity to spend the day networking with everyone from business owners to executives. If you plan to attend the Show, below are a few valuable networking skills you can put into action:

Look Approachable.

If you have your head down, phone in hand, or arms crossed, you may not look receptive to conversation. People won’t want to try to talk to you if you look busy, so be sure to keep your phone put away and your arms uncrossed. Smiling can also help you look more approachable.

Provide Useful Information.

As your conversation moves past the fundamental “Where are you from?” or “What do you do?” type of questions, you will want to take the conversation further. Ask the person, “What do you hope to learn from being here?” Be sure to carefully listen to their answer and provide them with any helpful information you can offer, such as referring them to someone in your company or network who can help them reach their goal.

Close the Conversation Gracefully.

When you need to move on from the conversation, be honest, and thank the person for speaking with you. It is also vital to close the discussion by leaving the door open. Ask them for their business card, and be sure to inform them of what you plan to do with it. Tell them you will email them tomorrow to schedule a call or that you will provide their information to your contact that you mentioned. This leaves the door open for future communication.

Want to Put Your Networking Skills into Action?

Join us at the Pittsburgh Business Show on May 5th, 2020, where you will have the opportunity to network with executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs from a variety of industries. To purchase your tickets for the largest networking event and tradeshow in the region, visit